Provider Compliance Trainings
Welcome Eye Care Professional!
To comply with CMS training requirements related to First Tier, Downstream and Related Entities (FDR), all contracted-providers must complete the required Compliance Trainings for themselves and their staff upon contracting, and annually thereafter. If your organization utilizes your own trainings that are comparable to those provided here, that will satisfy the requirement--please complete the attestation portion in step 2.
If you have any questions, email We look forward to our continued relationship in providing quality eye care services to our members.
1. Review Provider Trainings
Please download and review all of the training PDFs below. You can download them individually or all at once.
Download all trainings (.zip file)
- Envolve Business Ethics and Code of Conduct Policy (PDF)
- CMS Medicare Parts C and D Fraud, Waste and Abuse
- CMS Medicare Parts C and D General Compliance (PDF)
- Medicare Provider Model of Care (PDF)
2. Fill Out Attestation Details
Provide information of the provider(s) that completed the trainings.